So You Want to Start a Roofing Company?
Aug 05, 2023
The Roofing Academy team has published an article providing comprehensive guidance on the essential steps to kickstart your own roofing company. We covered crucial aspects such as funding, licensing, and crafting a business plan. However, we overlooked an equally important aspect: the soft skills required to launch a successful business.
When it comes to entrepreneurship, many individuals tend to focus solely on tangible elements. Matters such as finances, contracts, certifications, permits, and legalities often take precedence. While these components are undoubtedly vital, it's equally crucial to recognize and develop the soft skills necessary for business initiation.
However, we must not overlook the heart and soul that are crucial in building a thriving roofing company. The perseverance needed to endure long days and nights, and the charisma required for effective networking are often overlooked, even though they are just as vital as the tangible aspects. In fact, some argue that these soft skills are even more important.
Today, we aim to shed light on the often-forgotten soft skills that are essential for success in the roofing industry. Continue reading below to discover more about these important qualities.
The Soft Skills Every Roofer Needs to Learn
Networking Skills
Word of mouth is one of the key ways roofers meet new clients, especially in the beginning, so sharpening your networking skills is key to success. It can feel uncomfortable to talk about yourself and your new business. Many roofers tell us that they feel like they’re bragging when they do so.
If that is how you feel, try reframing the thought. The next time you feel like you’re bragging or being pushy when telling someone new about your roofing business, try and remember that you are there to help them. Your services are crucial to the health and integrity of their home and you are eager to help them repair or maintain their roofing structure.
In the early stages of running your roofing company, you are going to hear the word no more times than you can keep track of. This can be extremely frustrating to someone new to the business. It tends to feel personal even though it is not and you might begin to doubt yourself.
When you feel like quitting, you need to persevere and push through. Nothing worth having comes easily and it is so important that you keep going. Remember your why and keep pushing!
We roofers tend to be a pretty hard-headed bunch. We all like to think that our way is the best way and don’t like to admit when we are wrong.
You are going to be wrong quite a lot in the beginning. You are also likely going to need to seek help from sources like the Roofing Academy in the beginning. Push your pride to the side, own up to your mistakes, ask questions, and stay humble.
Time management is key in the roofing business, where projects often have strict deadlines. Learning to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and utilize time efficiently can significantly improve productivity and ensure timely project completion. Good time management skills also help to reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Managing a roofing company can sometimes feel like a challenging juggling act, with fragile plates that are seemingly on fire and spinning faster and faster as you proceed.
To prevent these plates from crashing down around you, it's crucial to focus on improving your time-management skills. At the Roofing Academy, we highly recommend the practice of time-blocking, which involves allocating specific time increments on your calendar to effectively manage your tasks. However, it's important to find a time-management system that suits your individual needs and preferences. Whether it is a daily to-do list, time blocking, or some other system, find one you can rely on and use it like a bible.
As the owner of a roofing company, you are a leader. You have numerous employees looking to you for guidance, mentorship, and of course a bi-weekly paycheck.
If this is your first time in a leadership role, don’t assume you know everything. There is a big difference between a manager and a leader and becoming a leader takes time. Investing in resources like The Roofing Academy, leadership books, and even weekend seminars are all investments worth making.
As a business owner, you need to have compassion. For your clients, your employees, the community you live in, and our planet as a whole. Lead with compassion in everything that you do in order to establish a brand that you are proud to be the owner of.
The Roofing Academy team knows just how daunting it can seem in the early stages of running your roofing business and that is exactly why we launched the Roofing Academy. We wanted to create a resource where roofers — seasoned and new — could come together to learn and grow together. A place to develop the tangible skills and equally important soft skills. No matter where you are in your roofing journey or where you want to go next, we are here for you.
Learn How You Can Build Your Own Multi-Million DollarĀ Roofing Business
Whether you are just getting started, have an established company that needs help turning things around, or anything in between, we want to help transform your way of thinking and your business. By joining The Roofing Academy, you will also be able to meet and network with like-minded individuals with the same goals: success, freedom, and happiness.